Well to make this really short and sweet (like collge is...literally) The other day in Youth Ministry class, a fromer student knew what it was like to sit through a long (realy short though) hour of class with a boring (favorite prof) Marv Penner, so at the beggining of Class he threw about 3 safeway bags full of candy at us and i even sick after cuz I had so many lil chocolate bars and fuzzy peach (my fav soft candy*) and then on top of that, we got to watch a funny improv skit on the difficulties of beig a youth pastor. he story though has only begun. In my Literature and Composition (fancy way of saying English) class, we have to have one hour/week of a night class fo further study. In this particular night, our tutorial leader baked us a fresh batch of warm chocolate chip cookies! Then in that class we split up in groups and were even let out early! So that was only the middle part of this story...one would now only question "what else could possibly be as easy and more fun than that in a high;y acedemic college like BBC?" Well, have you not forgotten that I am also in a Childrens Ministry class? So other than the brutally hard stuff like working with play-dough, cutting and pasting as part of a class assignment, and having all the notes in class accessible online...our Professor thought that it might be nice to have a lil break, and since we are disscussing the role that the world has in a childs life, we are going to focus on the media aspect, and in todays class, Amy has prepared 2 half hour programs of her own childrens favorite TV programs (ok so not TV programs, that sounds too formal...CARTOONS!!!)
So yeh, that is the horrible work load that I am currently dealing with here @ Briercrest.
Hope that I'm not scaring you from applying here in the future....
Anywhoo, see you guys in 13 days!!!!!!
oh and the Butterfly...i took that when I was @ the Toronto Zoo* just thot i'd throw that in for the effect of my difficulty.