Sunday, September 10

Joe's Place

So as most of you have heard, a part of my Feild Ed minisrtry here @Briercrest is with "Joe's Place". I will be spending hopfully my next 3 years here @ BBC serving at Joe's on Tuesday nights for bible study and Quest (, in the past they have used the Nooma videos. On top of that I will (and already have) been apart of the friday night and saturday night drop in centres. Amazimg things happen at this place and its been a part of dream I have had for years. This place has been on my heart for years now and God finally brought me here. Check out the website...

I willputting in about 5 hrs on fridays, 7 hours on saturdays and a few hours on Tuesdays. I am so siked for this and I know God has called me to this. I am so excited to come home and share this with all of you, I miss you all like a lil boy who is not potty trained and tries to 'aim' for the first time! (thats alot btw*)

Im praying for all of you and know that God has special things for your lives no matter your age. Go after whatever it is that is in your heart and you will NEVER regret it, take it literally to, do for God what He wants and you'l be ok. Sell all you have (Matt. 19:21-23) Follow whole heartedly after Christ and take up your cross even if it means leaving friends, family and posessions behind (Matt. 16:24-27) Seriously guys, I dont know what this world holds for me after I graduate, but I can tell you that I am not one bit scared, I am so excited to do God's will in my life and take up the cross that he has given to me. Jesus took up the cross as a physical object because that was his fathers will for him, what is that mean for us? What is our cross? Its that feeling we all carry inside of us as followers of Christ. That burning feeling that sadly most of us ignore, what is your passion, your hearts whole God-given desire? Find it and sell all you have to get it, take up your cross and never look back!!!!

Thats a lil bit of what Im going through right now and I am praying on my knees that you guys will take this seriously...cuz you are the ones on my heart*

I Love you...

your bro in Christ,

Jason :D


Anonymous said...


What are you doing now?
how long are you at BrierCrest?
God bless
Matt Balcklock

DERKSON said...

haha, hey matt! just talked about you the other day, i met a guy named Paul that looked familar and we chatted about the here until april, and then 2 more years after this
God Bless man, we gotta def meet up this summer!!! haha